Thursday 21 September 2017

Week Three - Exit slip (Flipped classroom)

I remember that my first experience of learning by watching videos was in 2003, then Internet was not so widely used. At that time, my hometown was under threat of a kind of fatal virus so that all schools were closed, and students were required to watch a television program with teaching videos in order to learn. However, I do not think watch videos can replace our classroom experience.

Although videos works better for students who prefer studying alone and do not like interacting with others. Teaching videos can be a good supplement for them to improve their learning experience. It is sometimes better to have teachers and students work together in a class, and teachers can make sure that students are on the right track. If videos are assigned and teachers do not repeat anything on the video, some students who missed one or two videos will be left off and lose confidence of learning. Flipped classes may be a good "starter" or "dessert" but it cannot replace the "main course" - our actual classroom teaching.

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