Thursday 14 September 2017

Week Two - Entrance Slip

I am now interested in 3 areas of education.

  • Homework
Is giving out homework useful in teaching? How much homework is appropriate? As a student before, I hated teachers assigning too much homework. However, I also had experience that if there is no homework, students will not do any revision and forget what they learnt in class. Maybe assigning homework is necessary, but how much homework do students need in order to remember what they learnt but not too fed up with it.

Also, since there are different types of students - some would prefer obeying rules and finish what is assigned, while some like to create their own works. What kind of homework is appropriate? Could teachers assign different types of homework? Is it possible for students to choose their homework?

Another idea coming up to my mind is "optional homework". Students could freely choose to do and not to do it. If no student choose to do it, is there any way to motivate them to have a try on it?

  • Quiz & Exam
Giving out small quiz is a good way to check whether students are doing well. But there are students who gets stressful and could not do well during quizzes while they do perfectly in homework and have excellent classroom performance. Quizzes and exams are not the only way to measure their learning, but what are other ways?

For students who gets panic before exam and have worse preformance than usual, is there any method to overcome their fear?

How could teachers talk with parents about exam result? This problem is especially difficult if parents are "score-based" and regard exam result as the only measure of their children.

(After discussions: assigning project might be another idea to evaluate students.)

  • Classroom management issue and bullying
How do teachers tell a student is being bullied in a class? How could we help them? If they are being bullied and try to fight back, but disturbed the whole class, shall they be punished? If a student is bullied by the whole class, which seat shall they seat in the classroom?

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